Anderson asked, taking a half-step back from his deputy.
After he was gone, Shreed's laughter died; unsupported by any from his deputy, it didn't have much staying power.
I was told it came straight from Admiral Hopper himself, or at least from his deputy, Richard.
The Speaker departed the Chamber and did not return until five to seven when he took over the chair from his deputy.
The leader's allowance will be cut from £1,000 to £900, his deputy from £800 to £720 and committee chairmen from the current £800 to £720.
Spock had been in command for some time, and Uliura had taken over from her deputy early.
This approval must be done on a trip-by-trip basis from the agency's senior legal official or their principal deputy.
At the time of his arrest, he was found with a .38 revolver and a police badge stolen from an Oklahoma sheriff's deputy.
Barth got that from your deputy Lonnie.
It was speculated that the cause was pressure from her deputy Hamid Nargis to accept his decisions.