My guess is that he works from photographs or postcards, gathering information, then creating strange views, which carry an odd sense of place.
While in Europe, he began to visit museums, intent on seeing firsthand works of art that he knew only from books or postcards.
The subjects of his paintings were cities and their architecture often inspired from postcards.
His legacy appears today on everything from postcards to coffee table books.
One contains images from postcards of a certain era, while another has a pin-pricked pattern on every page.
He also gave away his "Hit Kit" every day to a listener who had been chosen from postcards sent to the station.
New York used evidence from postcards to poetry to bolster its case.
The walls were miraculously free from posters, postcards and the like.
In each city, 300 to 400 people are chosen at random from postcards sent to local stations.
Krikko has produced over 15,000 drawings of city buildings, many drawn from postcards and photographs.