This 16th-century event was the beginning of a long decline from influence and prosperity.
It is derived from the maize belt and economic prosperity of the area.
In those circumstances, the only thing holding the US back from full employment and vibrant prosperity was 'the failure of animal spirits'.
And he said those who had benefited from economic prosperity must reach out and help "the little guys" and the children.
However, by no means all groups in the population have benefited equally from prosperity or from generous expenditure on social services.
Tragedy shows how men fall from prosperity to disaster.
Poor countries, and particularly the poor population of those countries, do not benefit from worldwide prosperity.
Within minutes we had passed from prosperity to privation.
The plan allows all qualified employees to benefit from the company's growth and prosperity by obtaining shares of the company at no cost to them.
He was also forced to acknowledge that in his three years as President he had seen the country move from prosperity to "hard times."