This combination of excitatory signals from different receptors makes up what we perceive as the molecule's smell.
Information from sensory receptors make their way to the brain through neurons and synapse at the thalamus.
The neuron is the primary component of the nervous system, which transmits messages from sensory receptors all over the body.
If no trial is available, data from receptors on the primary tumor may help guide therapy for recurrent disease, should it occur.
This means that the visual system has to compare the signals from receptors differing in spectral sensitivity.
The association areas integrate information from different receptors or sensory areas and relate the information to past experiences.
The absolute threshold for sound is the minimum amount of sensation needed to elicit a response from receptors in the ears.
Once food hits the mouth, taste and information from receptors in the mouth add to the digestive response.
Each glomerulus receives signals from multiple receptors that detect similar odorant features.
The sensory information is sent from bipolar receptors connected to the hair that are directionally sensitive.