The plan could be a Ponzi scheme where money from later recruits pays off earlier ones.
The 4th battalion of these regiments was usually made up from young recruits without experience, divided, according to the new French system, in 4 "center" companies.
This is a tentative roster based on the roster from the previous season and incoming recruits.
The club played as a demonstration side and in armed forces competition, drawing its players from recruits doing military service.
Most of Keogh's command were troops one step up from raw recruits.
A new I/28 was raised from other divisional units and new recruits.
His army consisted now of approximately 1,700 men, including veterans from the previous campaigns as well as raw recruits.
Like the Pentagon's code, the camp's rules forbid soliciting business from new recruits or trainees.
And, mostly, the cavalry came from recruits rather than conscripts.
The fish identified ranged from young recruits to mature adult fish, indicating a healthy population.