The Bulls improved from 15 to 21 wins, although they were still tied for last in the league.
These coming from 3 wins, 1 draw and 14 losses with a goal difference of -29.
These coming from 5 wins, 3 draws and 10 losses with a goal difference of -28.
These coming from 4 wins, 5 draws and 9 losses with a goal difference of -10.
These coming from 2 wins, 5 draws and 11 losses with a goal difference of -27.
These coming from 4 wins, 3 draws and 11 losses with a goal difference of -9.
These coming from 3 wins, 2 draws and 13 losses with a goal difference of -49.
To expend resources to upgrade your team from 70 wins to 80 makes no sense.
I think that's great, especially for a guy who goes from 21 wins to having a year like this.
Trying to get from 50 wins to the championship, that's chemistry and balancing.