The important are from dairy, chemical, manufacturing, textiles, and other industries.
All organic items, such as those made from wood, paper or textiles, have to be fumigated process before being placed in the center.
A lot of these themes are inspired from Indian art, textiles and architecture.
Officials have ordered limits on bank loans to a long list of industries, from textiles to printing.
"It's played a tremendous role in the evolution of industry, from textiles 30 years ago to automobiles and high tech today."
In many ways, these developments precipitated the transition from textiles to what is often called fiber art.
They include some specialty chemicals and equipment to make everything from textiles to semiconductors.
This applies particularly to countries that obtain more than 50% of their current export revenue from textiles and clothing.
The title is linked to a 22-artist survey of fine art made from textiles.
The group owns companies ranging from fertilizer, textiles, finance and computers.