Generally, the fund will not deviate from the allocation of key commodities in the index by more than 10 percent.
At times, they have been included in the total population count but excluded from the state-by-state Congressional allocation.
Subtract from the allocation calculated at 2 above, the quantity of duty-paid stock held at 31 October 2011.
The task description should emerge logically from the system design and more particularly from the allocation of functions.
A distortion is departure from the allocation of economic resources from the state in which each agent maximizes his/her own welfare.
Explanation of inflation from uncertainty and from the allocation of pricing efforts.
Individual assignments are made by appropriate national assignment authorities from the national allocation.
Though this will not eliminate home bias, it does powerfully frame the questions you must answer to justify significant deviations from the allocation.
However, the report also states that resources should not for the present be moved from the operational to the administrative line of the Galileo allocation.
A sum of ECU 4.8 m remains from the allocation for 1998.