Because so little information existed on the trout of the Tigris, we were especially curious to see how distinct they were from other brown trout.
Rakfisk is made from fresh trout or char, weighing over 750g.
From 1965 until 2000, he wrote more than 4,000 book reviews and articles, on every subject from trout fishing to Persian archaeology.
We raise a wide variety of fish species from trout and salmon to walleye, pike and bass.
I prospected one pool with a nymph weighted with two split shot, and had a few nudges from trout that did not remain hooked.
Cut head and tail from trout.
A bamboo rod can be tailored for cagey fish, from trout to salmon.
It is the only species of food fish which has been able to survive competition from introduced trout and carp species into the region.
It has been argued to be a distinct species, being reproductively isolated from "normal" brown trout (Salmo trutta) of the same lakes, particularly in Ireland.
Irish authorities in turn do not distinguish the Gillaroo as a separate species from brown trout.