Some drug intolerances are known to result from genetic variants of drug metabolism.
Other diseases, such as Hirschsprung disease, result from loss-of-function variants.
Most products used for food plots are or were derived from agricultural variants of forages.
They found considerable variety among scenarios, ranging from variants of sustainable development, to the collapse of social, economic, and environmental systems.
The 200 series looks a little different from older variants due to increased armour.
Much of China's economic growth in the last 20 years has come from such variants of private enterprise.
One way that his work can be distinguished from other variants of object-oriented thought is by its focus on the causal dimension of object relations.
Special conditions arise from variants of this event.
But, materials from racist variants of these religions may be prohibited by corrections departments.
The feature was found to be of little use operationally, however, and was omitted from later Banshee variants.