Rural Kenyans see little direct benefit from wildlife in a country where land is valued above almost everything else.
The appearance of the State brought about the final stage in the evolution of property from wildlife to husbandry.
There are special rules for products made from endangered wildlife.
And almost nothing is known about whether they come from wildlife, farms or sewage systems, he said.
For the environmentalists the impact seemed minor, since the spill was in developed areas and well away from pristine wildlife habitats.
Their half income is from agricultural work and the rest from wildlife.
"We want every family to get a share at the end of the year, knowing it was from the sanctuary and from wildlife," he said.
He'd never before been on ground where there was a risk from local wildlife.
Humans have historically tended to separate civilization from wildlife in a number of ways including the legal, social, and moral sense.
"The geographic distribution and the incidence were so high," he said, adding that, "you will never be able to eradicate it from wildlife."