IT was not front-line combat as a marine in the Vietnam War that undid Michael Arms.
The offense class is focused on tank-based, front-line combat, relying less on any kind of fortified emplacements or bases.
Again and again in the battle for Nasiriya, supply or maintenance or support forces not meant to see front-line combat found themselves pressed into the fight.
Its reputation in front-line combat was mixed.
But these new female recruits were still limited from front-line combat, assigned to missions like this one.
Inactivated September 1989 when aircraft were considered no longer front-line combat capable.
Australia decided to gradually remove all restrictions on women serving in front-line combat over a period of five years.
He often sported a clenched cigar, which became something of a trademark during his front-line combat.
Julian became Heffron's best friend during the time they shared while in front-line combat.
The Division is credited with amassing 517 days of front-line combat, more than any other U.S. division.