They would also engage in hand-to-hand combat with Volyova's own front-line forces.
The allied air campaign is estimated to have cut off 90 percent of the front-line forces' supplies.
The troops to be assigned to the Turkish general are not front-line forces.
The division was part of the 'operational army' (part of the front-line fighting force) from 5 December 1941.
The Army's front-line force comprised ca. 80,000 troops.
Morale among these front-line forces is reported to have been low for some time.
It is his goal to elevate the institute into a front-line force, one that will make the case for classical discipline in architecture.
By being on the scene, the top commanders have more immediate control over the front-line forces.
He was one of the youngest generals of a front-line force in south-east Asia's history.
Iraq's front-line forces are backed up by a formidable rear guard of mobile tank divisions.