RW has continuously supported the front-line role of women of color, combatted racism among feminist activists, and spoken out against sexism in people of color movements.
A similar conclusion has led critics of American policy to urge the United States to again take a front-line role in the country's crisis.
He returned to London in 1960 and became head of personnel, but was thrust back into a front-line role as an executive director when the threat of Iraqi nationalisation erupted again in 1970.
Since the Sept. 11 attacks, they have also taken on a front-line role in thwarting terrorism.
These types of statements present a significant opportunity for health informaticians to come out of the back-office and take up a front-line role supporting clinical practice, and the business of care delivery.
The front-line role of the Customs Service in the Government's war against illegal drugs has left the agency highly vulnerable to narcotics-related corruption, Customs officials acknowledged today in a report to Congress.
He predicted that there would be no "breakup of the C.I.A. given the agency's vital front-line role in the war on terror."
For a time, the 51st continued in a front-line role, although it saw little combat.
As an extension of the Soviet 16th Air Army deployed in East Germany, the Luftstreitkräfte was expected to play a front-line role in any war with NATO.
Between 1955 and 1972, the BFS played a front-line role in managing tensions on the inner German border.