AS they came back to the point where they had first come into the front-line trenches, dawn was breaking in the east.
"He persuaded the general to give him written permission to go all sorts of places other correspondents couldn't, including right into the front-line trenches."
It did, however, beat the stuffing out of going into a front-line trench to be shot at and shelled.
He looked toward the smoke and dirt rising from the front-line trenches.
There the matter rested till late that afternoon, when Colonel Lincoln came up to the front-line trench.
Kirkuk had been defended since 1991 by an outer belt of front-line trenches and bunkers.
He characterized the hostages as innocents trapped between the front-line trenches of war.
Some front-line trenches may be dug below cost.
The result was devastating; most of the front-line trenches were overrun when the forward companies were almost wiped out.
"Most generals," she pointed out, "don't go into the front-line trenches."