The profile portrait of George VI was changed to his full frontal portrait.
The familiar sphinx-like triangles made by his wig in the most familiar, frontal portraits are negated in this side view, and it is almost enough to bring him down to earth.
The other, an incomplete frontal portrait dated circa 1810, was described by a family member as being "hideously unlike" Jane Austen's real appearance.
Leda is a frontal portrait of Dalí's wife, Gala, who is seated on a pedestal with a swan suspended behind and to her left.
This thoughtful, sensitive image is the counterpart to a more famous frontal portrait of his mother, which, sadly, is missing from the show.
Sometimes Mr. Keïta took straight frontal portraits.
He scrutinized the frontal portrait on the screen.
Even unsuccessful experiments like the stilted frontal portraits and Fauve-like fantasy paintings demonstrate Prendergast's openness to new approaches that could be grafted onto that well-established framework.
The photographs present grim, arresting frontal portraits of the teenagers against stark black backgrounds.
She is best known for her frontal, full-figure portraits, particularly of eccentric or whimsical personalities.