Across them was a threat in red letters that the images would be revealed unless she showed a frontal nude shot over the Webcam.
The tax photographs, as they are commonly called, are mostly no-frills frontal shots of buildings and houses, each identified by block, lot number and borough.
A frontal shot, she knew, would only tend to infuriate him and precipitate a charge.
It was also natural that he would be seen in a frontal nude shot when he stood up, although the shot was somewhat rushed.
Nicholas stopped the video in full frontal shot of the man's face, and said, "That's him."
Some weird frontal shot?
Meanwhile, Mr. Friedkin contributes a frontal nude shot of a dead prostitute and a woman's high heel pressed into a man's naked groin.
The photos should include frontal shots of the residence, its family members, pets and a favorite car or hobby.