GM styling as a whole lost its frontrunner status in 1957 when Chrysler introduced Virgil Exner's "Forward Look" designs.
In December 2011, when Gingrich achieved frontrunner status in the race, Santorum became increasingly critical of him and his speakership.
He rapped out a quick break in the first game of the third set and preserved his frontrunner status, but Kultialmost did the same thing in the fourth set.
Each time they were propelled to frontrunner status their lead would bring the kind of scrutiny a future presidential nominee might expect.
Feature stories on his rise to frontrunner status include an article in the New Yorker magazine.
The Cook Political Report notes King's frontrunner status but without knowing his party, treated the race as a Tossup.
Lazio held frontrunner status for the Republican nomination for most of his run.
Gingrich is the newest candidate to achieve frontrunner status in the polls.
Both buildings are pivotal to the success of its emerging Neighbourhood Plan (for which it received frontrunner status, and has the backing of its residents).
In March 2010, while Blumenthal continued to lead all Republican contenders by 20-30 points, McMahon took frontrunner status from Simmons.