They rode through bright sunlight over frosted grass and came to the shadows where the hills closed in.
The two bodies lay now, still intertwined, on the frosted grass.
As they crunched across the hard, frosted grass on the back lawn, a faint tinge of smoke from Monty's fire hung in the air.
A breath of hot air lifted the hair from his brow as the wind shifted, Sparks fell sizzling onto the frosted grass.
He started walking across frosted grass.
I stooped to push the frosted grass aside.
"I dreamed about it..." As one, the horses suddenly flung up their heads from the stiff, frosted grass.
He lay panting on the frosted grass, each breath a knife of agony.
They walked in silence: dead leaves, frosted, withered grass, gaunt trees; they passed the same palings twice, a third time.
The frosted grass crunched underfoot with a sound like eggshells.