The Times, for example, felt that the juxtaposition of the blood tragedy and the frothy comedy was "ill-conceived".
Mine, a novel, a delightfully frothy comedy called Who Gets Fluffy?
This is a surprisingly strong showing for the frothy comedy, which stars Steve Martin and Diane Keaton, because it got uneven if respectable reviews.
One of those frothy comedies you buy at railway station outposts of WH Smith.
He had been to a film, a light and frothy comedy that he had enjoyed a great deal.
The title, like the tone of the writing, is flip and wry, promising nothing more significant than a frothy comedy of manners.
It may not be the Vienna State Opera at New Year's, but in general, this plucky little company fares pretty well with frothy comedy.
The result is a delightful frothy comedy that makes for perfect summertime entertainment.
The result is an astonishingly candid portrait of the torment that can go into developing a frothy comedy.
Richard Niles is a pretentious 40 year old playwright who writes successful but forgettable frothy comedies.