During the winter in Colorado the earth comes out in frozen chunks.
Paul International Airport in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with its forward lavatory external seal improperly installed, causing a leakage which allows the starboard engine to ingest frozen chunks of lavatory fluid.
The two colonels changed out of their uniforms into sweat clothes, and Nancy put a frozen chunk of her homemade stew into the microwave and thawed it.
The missing seal caused frozen chunks of lavatory fluid to be ingested by the number three engine thus damaging the compressor blades.
The moon, Enceladus, is only 300 miles wide, and usually something that small is nothing more than a frozen chunk of ice and rock.
Pieces tumbling along the ground kicking up snow peppered with frozen chunks of dirt.
They hacked frozen chunks of meat with an ax to feed the sled dogs.
Then he watched the frozen golden chunks in their pale dough coffins being lowered alongside into the earth of liquid grease.
But my brain, still befogged by fear, but working with the cold logic of desperation, said I must make no move, that I must remain the frozen chunk of flesh I was.
In one place, we had to take some frozen chunks of ice and make a little bridge to get over one of the cracks.