Hydrogen clouds with frozen crystals in them?
The small quarters had become a strange Christmas card, etched with frozen crystals that muted every color.
When he finished the liquid hydrogen would be slushy with frozen crystals under near-vacuum pressure.
Twice more it rang out, its notes as sharp and fine as frozen crystals in the air.
The winds had sculpted an airy bridge out of the frozen crystals, too fragile to bear any creature's weight.
The snow, trapping minuscule air pockets between its frozen crystals, was a good insulator.
The interior of Saturn may include frozen crystals of ammonia.
A cloud is a visible mass of condensed droplets or frozen crystals suspended in the air.
His words, caught in the frozen crystals of his breath, sent down their message into the earth.
The sea could be heard in a low steady rumble and the stars were sparkling in the frozen black crystal of the sky.