That would be a much more fruitful field of study.
The new settlers want to restore these fruitful fields of grain offerings.
Within a few years, he took on a rather fruitful field of activity as a publisher of Danish classics.
Given the Mars has, by some estimates, at least a million years of past history, archaeology is a very fruitful field.
Surgical operations and dancing girls are fruitful fields for the beginner.
"With fewer thyroid operations to do," he recalled, "I looked about for other fruitful fields."
Another explanation could be that the name is meant to say fruitful fields or meadows, chan'ver.
It is to be hoped that some day this fruitful field will be explored and the results given to us in English.
Here he found a fruitful field for his activity.
Remember on that happy coast to build, And with a trench inclose the fruitful field.