A second day, and a third, the same fruitless attempt was made.
They spent the spring of 1885 in a fruitless attempt at capturing Geronimo.
No my dearest & ever more dear friends, I shall not make a fruitless attempt.
There were two fruitless attempts at establishing a congress of provinces in the subsequent months.
He worries that the board's action could be a fruitless attempt to cast blame elsewhere.
He was continuing this fruitless attempt when he heard his name called.
It was a fruitless attempt because she hasn't been entered into the computer yet.
After a dozen fruitless attempts, Peron lay on the bed in his room, thinking hard.
Then, in a fruitless attempt to cover this up, the suggestion is made of a charter to protect consumers.
This week, be ready for irritating news and yet another fruitless attempt at communication.