He was a regular in defence for the remainder of the season but struggled as the team undertook an ultimately fruitless battle against relegation.
After several hours of fruitless battle, they tried setting fire to the works, but this was frustrated by a torrential downpour that ended the battle.
It would be, I suspected, a fruitless battle to try to make them see that an assumption that was valid in their case need not extend its validity into the human race.
He went through a long, fruitless battle to take his name off.
The Spider sabotaged the Nebula Rod that the Soldiers had built to stop the Nebula Man and sent the team off to fight a fruitless battle.
None of the fruitless battle he had thought to offer.
He had wasted too many of them in a fruitless battle, throwing them against prepared positions to be slaughtered.
Not even in the first fruitless battles of the invasion had he seen so many men die for so little effect.
She made Gupta boil every drop of water they used, and tried to convince her patients to do the same, but it was a fruitless battle.
Probably even hedonism has more going for it than the totally fruitless and expensive battle against time.