He seemed but an ordinary, empty-handed fisherman, returning after a fruitless day along the coast.
They abandoned the first ambush after two fruitless days.
She did not even kiss him good-bye this morning when he left for another fruitless day at the docks.
But only stragglers arrived, and after another fruitless day the hunt was called off.
As dusk approached, the four of them walked slowly along a cliff's edge, returning from their fruitless day.
So far it had been a fruitless day for them, but around 4 p.m. the fishing turned on.
The men were bone-weary and demoralised following another grim, fruitless day.
However, at the end of the fruitless fourth day it was decided to abandon the search.
The disturbance came after officials called off the search on Monday, the third fruitless day.
The incident tonight came after a fruitless day for the negotiating teams.