But do not ask for birth just to have an engram to work, because it may prove to be a thoroughly uncomfortable and fruitless endeavor.
One day, after about two months of fairly fruitless endeavour, the reason struck me.
Seeking to understand why this builder vandalized his own property may be a fruitless endeavor, but here is a start.
Eventually T'Pol gave up on the fruitless endeavor and turned off the spout.
It was a fruitless endeavor, fretting over her appearance.
Some nationalists in Ireland saw this as a fruitless endeavor, and preferred to seek weapons.
The search for an ultimate, unifying explanation for all things is a fruitless endeavor, a step in the wrong direction.
Clearly, anyway, it is becoming a fruitless endeavor to look within themselves for anything special.
It would be far better if this whole thing turned out to be a fruitless endeavor.
Weary at last of fruitless endeavors, he acted out his true character, seized the maiden and carried her off.