They traveled to Barcelona to enlist in the workers militias and after a fruitless meeting in September with a delegation from the Fraction back home, they were expelled.
The fruitless meeting concludes with General Sully telling the chiefs that they must surrender the killers of the white man and return the stolen stock.
"It's going to take a lot of flexibility on both sides," Charles O'Connor, the owners' labor spokesman, said after the fruitless meeting, discussing the arbitration issue.
On June 12, the Monday after his final fruitless meeting with Checketts, Riley drove to his office at SUNY-Purchase.
The price drop followed the conclusion Saturday of a fruitless six-day meeting in London of the International Cocoa Organization.
I heard the change in his voice; we hadn't talked about it since that fruitless meeting in the Temple of Asherat.
The three leaders who control the fate of legislation - the governor, the Assembly speaker and the Senate majority leader - had one of their fruitless closed-door meetings.
They had just experienced the utterly fruitless meeting with Nehru and Jinnah: it was not a good moment to turn down the Burmese.
After several years of fruitless meetings with university officials, Mahoney filed a Title IX complaint last year charging that the university is nowhere near mandated gender equity.
The announcement last night came after Ewing and Hunter had an almost fruitless meeting with Granik and Stern.