Ratchet then fruitlessly attempts to stop Sentinel Prime from firing on his old friend, and flees the scene with Fanzone.
His son Can Francesco attempted fruitlessly to recover Verona (1390).
Back in Georgia, he fruitlessly attempted to lobby for the preservation of a degree of internal autonomy for his native country.
Instead, Helen has a tepid affair with an unctuous rabbi, and Jeremy, after fruitlessly attempting to seduce a stuttering yeshiva student, picks up a deaf-mute Palestinian sock fetishist.
"Of that, you may be sure," Alberich sighed, having spent several marks fruitlessly attempting to persuade her to do just that.
He fruitlessly attempts to convince Carthusia that there is a hostile alien life form on the planet that they somehow missed in the initial sweep and it's infecting the colony.
These included the Lambert Charter, which had given the French disproportionate rights to the exploitation of the island's resources, and which Rainivoninahitriniony attempted fruitlessly to contest.
Clearly no one had escaped from within while they fruitlessly attempted to break down the door.
After fruitlessly attempting to repel the Americans with counterattacks on June 11, FJR6 withdrew on the night of June 11-12, short on ammunition.
J.T. confronts Rickie the next day, and the two return to the basement where J.T. reveals that the woman is undead, which he discovered after fruitlessly attempting to kill her three times.