It sought fruitlessly over the last several months to piece together a deal with its banks and shareholders.
He had already spent much of the fortune left to him by his father, fruitlessly seeking the Philosopher's Stone.
In negotiations with President Bush's staff, Governor Clinton fruitlessly sought financing to get poor children more ready to learn.
And Washington fruitlessly sought to delay the European Community recognition when it was pushed by Germany at the end of last year and accomplished in January.
Askari lost another fifteen minutes fruitlessly seeking the Director through the chaotic communications jungle.
But mostly he fruitlessly sought guest shots on television series and parts in major movies.
The data retrieval cross-locators coughed and spluttered, fruitlessly seeking a snippet of relevant information, but none was to be found.
Terrified, they seek fruitlessly for a means of escape from their hunters.
After they learned of his withdrawal yesterday afternoon the four sought fruitlessly to reach him in California, the officials said.
Watterston fruitlessly sought reinstatement for years.