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With the fanatical zeal of the frustrated athlete, Bennett insists that we all pack up and head still higher into the Alps.
"If I talk now, it's likely to be either dismissed as speculation or viewed as the comments of a frustrated athlete," Wilson said.
He was first known as Crusher Crock, a frustrated athlete who turns to a life of crime.
Part of it is, I think, as a frustrated athlete, George wants to 'own' his players, wants them up on their flippers barking for fish like trained seals.
Was this an isolated complaint of a frustrated athlete who had seen a friend take a bottle in the head?
In Port Jefferson, he was a Catholic Youth Organization coach of several sports and called himself a "frustrated athlete."
Mostly frustrated athletes.
Is he is a frustrated athlete, a high school star who dreamed of a professional career?
"A lot of these guys are like me, frustrated athletes," O'Donnell says.
Students who enroll in sports management programs, while avid fans, are not frustrated athletes, Dr. Mayo said.