To many a frustrated customer contacting a call center for help, those seemed to be the magic words.
"Well, hang on to that feeling the next time a frustrated customer comes to you with a problem."
But once the change comes, he expects at long last an end to the calls from frustrated customers circling the area looking for his business.
Unfortunately for frustrated customers, there are many reasons Internet calls can sound poor, and it is not easy to predict when trouble is afoot.
Do you really believe a frustrated customer is good for your business?
There are currently over 100 frustrated customers voicing their support for per-second billing, some threatening to leave the operator.
One frustrated customer cheerfully took the Lord's name in vain.
Mike Loftus is typical of the frustrated would-be customers.
No matter how well retailers manage the Christmas logistical problems, frustrated customers may have other ideas.
Perhaps other frustrated customers, now aware of the lingua franca, should do the same.