It is a staccato work, full of rage, maddeningly incomplete thoughts, a ferocious humor and startling bursts of fine writing, which reveal the frustrated novelist lurking inside Dr. Thompson.
If the old cliche is true that copywriters are frustrated novelists, then Mr. Courtenay should be "finished being sad," as Doc von Vollensteen would say.
Too many journalists are frustrated novelists.
Chabon drew on his experiences with Fountain City for the character of Grady Tripp, a frustrated novelist who has spent years working on an immense fourth novel.
It's not surprising to discover that his mother was a frustrated novelist, or that a high-school teacher memorably complimented his sense of composition.
A recent episode of "Grey's Anatomy" featured a frustrated novelist who ate an unpublished manuscript that had to be surgically removed.
We're all natural storytellers, and conspiracy theorists are just frustrated novelists.
The vocational counselor who advised this girl with a large vocabulary to become an author succeeded in doing only one thing: he turned an erstwhile happy stenographer into a frustrated, would-be novelist.
Many therapists are frustrated novelists masquerading as scientists.
She is also the president-elect of Romance Writers of America, an organization of 8,000 published writers and frustrated would-be novelists.