Google's url-shortener discussion group has frequently included messages from frustrated users reporting that specific shortened URLs have been disabled after they were reported as spam.
Like any frustrated user, Laurano is puzzled by the dumb technical language: "Hard drive.
This may have been the Achilles' heel of the product, seriously limiting its marketplace and resulting in frustrated users.
Such a system is seen by many frustrated users as the Holy Grail of computing.
Some digital cameras have that kind of flaw, and the common complaint of frustrated users is telling: "This isn't a camera, it's a computer."
When this happens, the frustrated user has a WYSIAYG problem.
Some frustrated users have been venting on the AOL message boards.
On April 30, 2007 an open letter, signed by over 700 frustrated users, was sent to Linden Lab to protest the quality assurance process of the company.
He said Bugnet received voluminous E-mail from frustrated users unable to get satisfactory answers to their software problems.
No formal count of spam exists for the Internet, but frustrated e-mail users are starting to tabulate their own statistics.