The Challenger shuttle blew up and killed its astronauts because sensors weren't installed on the solid fuel boosters.
The test reactor, like the Challenger's solid fuel boosters, could not possibly fail.
Launch of the missile was accomplished by lighting the solid fuel booster, which provided 59,000 lbf of thrust for three seconds.
We propose to develop alternate liquid and solid fuel boosters, much larger than any now being developed, until certain which is superior.
One system, developed in partnership with Morton Thiokol, placed a solid fuel booster inside the ramjet core.
The main tank was moored to Michael by the same matings that in gentler times would have gripped solid fuel boosters.
Instead, we give the Shuttle a pair of solid fuel boosters that fall in the ocean.
It's madness to put a solid fuel booster on a manned craft.
A very large solid fuel booster launched the missile off its launcher and powered it to speeds where the ramjets could take over.
It is there that the shuttles are mated to their fuel tanks and solid fuel boosters.