Not all counties are covered and the fuel costs approximately twice that of unleaded petrol.
If prices remain at their current levels for the rest of the year, fuel will cost the airline an additional 20 million euros ($24 million).
That is a nice benefit, when you consider that the fuel, in commercial production, would only cost about 60 cents a gallon.
The two fuels cost the same, on the basis of mileage.
The fuel, however, will always cost more than natural gas, because it is produced from the gas.
A Commuter Feels the Pain My husband drives 100 miles a day round trip for work, so you can just imagine the fuel costs!
The airlines' passion for economy comes from the fact that they are bleeding red ink, with fuel costs a big cause.
By contrast, the fuel to power internal combustion engines costs roughly $50 a kilowatt.
With replicating assemblers to build solar collectors, fuel and electric power will cost little.
Clearly, the "fuel" for electric vehicles costs a lot less per mile than it does for gasoline vehicles.