LH-Jetronic 2.4 has adaptive lambda control, and support for a variety of advanced features; incincluding fuel enrichment based on exhaust gas temperature (ex.
During a cold start and warm up, before lambda correction is activated, coolant temperature dependable fuel enrichment occurs.
The group made the following recommendations to strengthen controls over fuel enrichment, reprocessing of fuel, spent fuel repositories and spent fuel storage.
That is why the world needs a permanent, binding and verifiable agreement in which Iran pledges to abandon nuclear fuel enrichment and reprocessing.
Although Iran has suspended fuel enrichment during negotiations, Mr. Mousavian emphasized that the suspension of all aspects of the fuel cycle could last only a few more months.
The throttle bypass/throttle solenoid system is combined with ignition retardation and slight fuel enrichment (mainly to provide cooling), typically ignition occurs at 35-45 ATDC.
The latter is particularly useful for gasoline engines as it reduces the need for fuel enrichment at high loads, which improve engine efficiency.
An increase in fuel enrichment from 2% to 2.4% to compensate for control rod modifications and the introduction of additional absorbers.
Are you talking about fuel enrichment, which is particularly dirty?
No fuel enrichment is permitted and the export of reactors and reactor technology is to cease.