The offshore platforms extract hydrocarbons from this region, but each year the output falls by 5% and soon it will be uneconomic to continue using these platforms for fossil fuel extraction.
Major industrial activities-accounting for over 80% of the total shipped products and services-are basic metals and fabricated metal products, electricity, gas and water supply, fuel extraction, food products and beverages.
The fuel extraction could start today as approved by Italian officials, the company said.
The energy industry is the totality of all of the industries involved in the production and sale of energy, including fuel extraction, manufacturing, refining and distribution.
The LOX tank has a spherical shape; the kerosene tank is toroidal, inclined to 15 degrees for better fuel extraction, with the engine mounted in the center of torus.
The chart below shows the GHGs generated by various vehicle types and considers all steps of the energy chain from fuel extraction or production to use by the vehicle, not just tailpipe emissions.
Critics said that the president and vice president seemed wedded to the part of industry that favored fossil fuel extraction partly because of their backgrounds.
Fossil fuel extraction can generate earthquakes.
For these reasons, fossil fuel extraction in Belarus has been limited to the more easily accessible and cheaply produced conventional oil and gas.
In addition, fuel extraction amounted to 2.9% of industrial output.