It is fueling ethnic hatred among Russians, and siphoning financial support to an unreformed military and military-industrial complex.
But the killing only seems to be getting worse, forcing Iraq's main religious groups even further apart, and fueling fresh hatred and suspicions among reasonable Iraqis.
American and Iraqi forces seem unable to prevent the carnage, fueling hatred of the occupation among the population.
This fueled Nancy's rage and hatred toward the Union cause.
Authorities accused Dziuba in undermining Soviet friendship of peoples, fueling hatred between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples.
More than 15 months of deadly violence has fueled hatred and fear on both sides.
But Scripture can also fuel great hatred, and therein lies its power.
Such aggressive policies will only fuel public hatred.
The Serbs have not been found and their disappearance fueled local hatred against the Albanians.
I can't leave them tied down, futile except for fueling hatred of us by their presence: not when sedition, sabotage, and violence are growing so fast across the whole planet.