Every Jet has asked for his full allotment of tickets to Sunday's game with the Dolphins: two free ones and four to buy.
Whether the refinery can ship its full allotment "depends on the security situation," he said.
But she also kept their ore carts full and the draggers moving so that they weighed in with a full allotment most shifts.
Saddam's refusal to sell his full $1 billion allotment came right when summer gasoline demand was rising and helped to tighten the market and boost prices.
You all should have received your full allotment of tanks by Year's End.
Therefore if a school recruited its full allotment of players each year it would exceed the 140 maximum even with normal attrition.
The athletics ticket office sold the full allotment of tickets for the inaugural contest in the Holmes Center 12 minutes after opening.
We never had our full allotment under the salary cap.
Because of service time, Williams has received nearly a full allotment.
All four candidates received the full allotment of $75,000 in public matching funds except Mr. Reiss, who received $46,000.