Buddhahood is the attainment of full awakening and becoming a Buddha.
Kate's full awakening was sudden, eyelids snapping open like released blinds, sprung by returning fear.
At last Sunday's matinee, the musicians' full awakening happened just in time for the second-act opening number.
It was a full awakening.
The child struggled to full awakening.
Stubbornly G-8 fought off drowsiness, but each time it was harder to bring himself to a full awakening.
"It doesn't always lead to full awakening, " she said.
One that possesses no sapience to be wiped out by the, ah, Sleeper's full and final awakening.
It can often cause a partial or full brief awakening resulting in fragmented sleep.
This time, in an aura of rage and pain, her initiation into a full awakening had been superb.