You bring a full cask or I'll have your head on a pike!
In Old English the spelling was tunne, "Barrel" — a full cask about a metre high could easily weigh a tonne.
One was pouring wine into a leather goblet for a customer while the other two were lifting a full cask from the back of their wagon.
"Of course there were those two full casks of brandy you smashed and set afire the last night you were brawling at the Eel."
In the storeroom, Mykel found seven full casks of cooking oil, and one half cask.
Otik took care to fill each cask only four-fifths full, because the alewort bubbled as it worked, and a full cask could explode.
You have stacked some full casks here instead of the empty ones, if there is anything in weight.
If the whole cask's full of them it must be worth thousands and thousands of pounds.
Are you paying for full casks here?
"Of course I'm paying for full casks," the merchant said.