The portobellos were a full thirteen centimeters across and ready for harvesting and stuffing.
Her hand touched the elaborate comb which rose a full fifteen centimeters above her long, black hair.
There was a visible movement as the part of the Helm that gripped the metal head's temples spread a full centimeter.
The words were the incantation required to get Link from the floor to his full 190 centimeters of height.
We're adding almost a full centimeter to your height, you know.
His silvery hair had grown a full ten centimeters since Duncan had last seen him on the barren volcanic island.
Jules just continued to stare up at the man a full thirty centimeters above him and smiled nonchalantly.
I gave him the full two centimeters, more than I'd meant to, but then I'd been startled.
Mrs. Burroughs drew herself up to her full 152 centimeters and tried to look offended.
It's hard to get them to rise the full ten centimeters, but mine do it every time.