At that time, the industry was required to have full certifications with independent verifications.
"Young Burnbright hasn't earned her full certification, yet, but she's hoping to do so in our service," he said delicately.
All pre-certified manufacturers made a seamless transition to full certification.
In-in fact, there may be a way we can get full certification.
Many forests in Europe now have full certification that states they comply with recognised standards of sustainable management.
Carry out a feasibility study looking at full chain-of-custody certification for individual publications by end of 2008.
Eclipse also started production of the 500, so aircraft could be released to customers once full certification was achieved.
The actual expensive full certification should only be for stuff like extended validation.
It is important that we have the framework proposal to put in place uniform systems for the full certification of food supplements.
At that time, industry was required to have a full certification and independent verification.