Educationally disabled students are provided with a full continuum of educational supports.
The facility, which houses the university's second child-care facility and a full continuum of researchers, clinicians and frontline workers, is dedicated to child health.
For families affected by the child welfare system, we provide a full continuum of services-from prevention to adoption.
The Special Education program offers a full continuum of services for children with disabilities including IShine and Home Base programs.
We need a full continuum that starts with prevention.
The Pittston Area School District offers a full continuum of services for students who have a disability and require specially designed instruction.
Provide a full continuum of services for the children residing in the 250 units, including blood samples, reporting, treatment and medical follow-up.
Provide the full continuum of special education services at more installations with DoDEA schools.
"We'll always need the full continuum of services."
The Cornell School District offers a full continuum of special education programs and services to all eligible for such services.