Lawyers for the five men called for full exonerations yesterday, not merely an agreement that the case was legally flawed.
In the series finale, C-Note and Sucre save the brothers from certain death and later receive full exoneration for their efforts.
Their task is to steal Scylla from The Company in exchange for full exoneration.
The plea deal did not technically result in a full exoneration; some of the convictions would stand, though the men would not admit guilt.
The counsel representing the men said they would continue to pursue full exoneration.
Gentile spoke to the media on the day the charges were laid, and said that he looked forward to a full exoneration.
To date, they are working towards a full exoneration and have vowed to find the real murderer of Stevie, Christopher, and Michael.
The event made worldwide news, and Billy Miles was given full exoneration in very little time.
However, a series of fortunate incidents in the courts led to his full exoneration.
The agreement offers less than the full exoneration Dr. Lee's family had sought.