Only for a split second, but during that time McAndrew and Nina would feel a full fifty gee on them.
For that young squirt of a pilot the landing may have been smooth, but she hit a full gee for a second there, and I thought my time had come.
His alley was a maintenance space near a hundred ten and down at full gee.
It was riding a full gee.
"Liquid pours a lot faster now we're in a full gee."
The T machine is in a Trojan position with respect to its primary, and the distance is about onepoint-five a.u: not quite four standard days at a full gee.
She's no battle cruiser, but we can pull a full gee for a long way.
We boosted at a full one gee for as long as our newly designed engines could take it.
The air felt thick and too warm to breathe; almost at once my clothes were soggy with sweat; I could feel my feet starting to swell- and besides they ached from full gee.
"Between them and the Lynx, we'll be able to accelerate the object at almost a full gee."