A creek flows through the grounds and at one point forms a pond guarded by a statue of an Indian in full headdress.
Sometimes he would also be portrayed as a devout Muslim, wearing full headdress and robe, praying toward Mecca.
This T-shaped pipe features a chief in full headdress as the bowl, a sleek eagle's head on the front shank.
The party on the beach was led by a portly figure in blindingly white robes and a full headdress that gleamed with gold.
Only the noblest of elders get to wear full headdress, having earned it feather by feather as an army general earns his stars.
Its prominence, though, was the cover's representation of a native American in full headdress, hence "Big Chief."
Viewed from the air, the feature bears a strong resemblance to a human head wearing a full native American headdress, facing directly westward.
The cornice has molded bas-relief figures of American Indians in full headdress.
Beside the main door was a life-size Comanche chieftain in full headdress.
The one here is dressed like an Indian with a full feathered headdress, drawing a bow.