But the Metyor-179 was too close, and the decoys didn't have time to power up to full illumination.
The figures turned into the full illumination of the powerbeam.
The dimness vanished as a line of light-torches on the screen wall flared into full illumination.
"Only when he achieved full illumination, at the point of becoming one with himself and all creation, could he help sensitive creatures."
He peered up at Spock as if the Vulcan were standing in full illumination.
Then he noticed that the light levels all around him were quickly rising, and within moments had reached full illumination.
A hatch squealed open; full illumination flooded the entrance hold in place of the yellow watch light that'd been on before.
Then, all the city's skyscrapers will begin to glow gradually, reaching full illumination at 8:50.
However, it is a very crude approximation to full global illumination.
The Infanta, however, stands in full illumination, and with her face turned towards the light source, even though her gaze is not.