Doclea's full incorporation into the unified Serbian state in the 12th century brought Eastern Orthodoxy into the region.
Like her lectures and workshops, her talk that day called for a full incorporation of black Catholics and their culture into the church's life, liturgy and leadership.
Atassi's treaty guaranteed emancipation over 25 years, with full incorporation of previously autonomous territories into Greater Syria.
His opinion on the matter was opposite to that of his grandfather, who supported the full incorporation of the Bill of Rights.
In May, mudguards bolted onto the side of the pre-production run were added, while removable mudguards saw full incorporation in September.
In 1989 full incorporation was not completed due to budget and staff constraints.
The Mexican Stock Exchange is in the process of being incorporated into MILA and its full incorporation is expected by the year 2014.
We are calling for a negotiating mandate for the full incorporation of the European Union in the International Maritime Organisation.
We welcome the full incorporation of the Task Force's policy messages into the analysis and assessment outlined in the Joint Employment Report.
The treaty offered the rebels a full amnesty, full incorporation into the imperial army and the choice of the next provincial president.